Reflection blog
Blog is something nice to have, some people had won an award by their interesting and attractive blog. This is my first blog that i have in my life. In trying to create a blog, it was boring but after i explore all icon in the blog and visit the other blogger, i have learned many thing to make my blog interesting such as by sharing the resources , share link, place the important document that can be use for future for example note, education philosophy and adding cute gadgets that can attract me to always open my blog and update.
Before taking this class, i had viewed other people blog, mostly they write about themselves such as their love mate, coursemate, housemate, family, activities in holiday and their mood. Some of them, make a blog such as their shop, boutique and gallery. Then, i realize everything can be place or post in a blog, such as recipe’s blog, educational blog, gallery blog, and bussiness blog. The most important thing is now, i had created my blog as a portfolio. The blog very useful for everyone, because from there we can invite the other user to follow our blog, can interact with other by commenting or chatting and get buyers.
Blog can be private and public, me make it in public and used the ‘Teaching E-Portfolio’ as and title because my junior for this course can make my blog as their reference. By other hand, this blog also can be shared or exchanged new ideas to others not only from this country about the teaching and learning that used in Malaysia. As a teacher, we should get new ideas for vary our teaching and learning in class, so from there we can attract student to go school and learn. Everyone want to be success in their job, same with me, i want be success in educate my student to become useful person.
Back to the blog, by blogging everything i can post and save in here, in case my notebook had been formatted or problem, and i had no back up for certain document or resource, i only have to open my blog and click the link then get the source. Everything that i wrote in a blog, i post it for public reading or just save as draft. Besides that, just as an alert, for our private picture or document, should not post or keep in the blog, because hackers can do anything and destroy our life, the private keep in heart dont mess our life.
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